Wednesday 19 November 2014

Life from my eyes: Decison making..


In life, every single thing required us to make a decision. Even in small thing also we need to make a decision such as what shirt to wear for office today and so on.

in a confusing mood to make decision
BUT in decision making there is no right or wrong. Just to remember, in every decision that we take its comes with a risk. Sebagai contoh, dalam membuat keputusan membeli kenderaan; apa jenis kenderaan yang kita nak beli? either car, motorcycle or mpv? So, when we choose to buy car, the more money we need to use for petrol expenses (bad side) BUT, when we bought a car, kita dapat mengelak dari panas dan hujan juga risiko kecelakaan (good side).

And same with decision that we take when we need to choose our life partner. What are you going to do? some will said do istikharah. So, kenapa perlunya kita buat istikharah? Bila keadaan yang memerlukan kita menunaikan istikharah? Selalunya those people will do istikharah apabila keliru dalam membuat pilihan jodoh. Just so you know that, ISTIKHARAH IS NOT ONLY FOR JODOH. Like example, istikharah juga boleh dilakukan apabila kita mendapat 2 atau lebih tawaran kerja, jadi, buatla istikharah. Insya ALLAH, akan dapat petunjuk dalam memilih yang terbaik.

As for me, up until now 25 years old, so many big decision that i have to make my own self. Like example, lepas habis belajar, kat mana I nak kerja as I mean state: Penang or KL? So I'm in confusing tetapi I pilih untuk kerja di Penang atas sebab yang bagi saya good for me. But on the other side I can't go anywhere in my career because of dasar pilih warna kulit in Penang (i mean in certain organization). Yeah, it really big risk for me. But i don't take it it as a 'halangan' untuk I go further. So, I plan to learn English & mandarin if I could one day. Hope so. Then, I can bet with others in Penang as I mean in career line. The good side about my decision that I take is  I have plenty of time with my family members & Penang friends. It good for me ha... If lets say, I work in KL, maybe I don't have much time for family (bad side) but I can focus on career (good side).

So, the conclusion is, dalam membuat sebarang keputusan tiada istilah good decision or bad decision. it because some people may seen like it is bad decision (bagi pandangan dia lah) tetapi bagi kita, keputusan yang kita ambil tu dah betul. So, just stand on your own opinion. Selalunya orang akan sentiasa bercakap tak kita la kita buat baik atau buruk. But, who's care? right. Its your life, you your self yang akan lalui hidup ini, bukan your mom, sibling or jiran tetangga. But, not to forget dalam membuat keputusan kita memerlukan 2 benda ni iaitu, Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah juga ALLAH swt. sebagai pembimbing.  Mohonlah kepada ALLAH, insya ALLAH, akan dipermudahkan segalanya. Amin. Not agreed with my opinion? It up to you ha...


hey, look at me. i still survive even though i can't swim. pakai pelampung la.

#thanks for reading my membebel#
PS: Ketahuilah bahawa setiap keputusan yang diambil ada baik & buruknya. So, we just try our best & stay survive & put more effort in decision that we take. All the best ha.

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